“I put my ears to the ground
Always pushing down
(Nothing I can hear)
I found the worst half in me
We’re cut off at the knees
(Can’t even take a stand)
Against your words and beliefs
We didn’t wanna freeze”

“if the creative energy of any living organism could be seen, what would it look like?” (Kris Moyes)

It looks like surreal men living in idyllic places with a subtle horror atmosphere.

The visual poetics of Kris Moyes for the single by Grizzly Bear is a sort of strange journey into flesh, nails, bodies and the alchemy power of mixing humans and nature.
I must say I like (more) Moyes in his Bag Raiders’ clip where all was more chaotic, like stormy paintings and I like (more) Grizzly Bear’s video directed by Allison Shulnik for her emotional tale.
This ‘ Gun Sly’ is far different.
It’s cold, emotionless, but not powerless. It’s different. It’s not a poem, maybe a (Nolan’s) inception, something that works in your subconscious.

There are strong images that enrich the experience: the eye frames that remind the Bunuel’s iconic image of surrealism movement or the use of medical objects that remind to the atmosphere of Crononberg’s early movies with his attention/passion for flesh with a touch of alchemic vision of nature.

And all the clip is a sort of gif images after gif: Moyes tells a story in every frames playing with stop-motion and moving over the frames like Ken Burns effect. Using the gif-method let Moyes to emphasize a single action make it like a mantra. A mantra. A mantra.

Grizzly Bear – Gun-shy

Artist: Grizzly Bear
Kris Moyes
28 January 2013
Motion Picture, Photography, Stop Motion, gif, Ken Burns effect
What's Cool:
A journey into creative energy in a Cronenberg&Buñuel-like atmosphere
Posted by
April 12th, 2013

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