Coldplay – Strawberry Swing

Strawberry Swing is a music video based on stop motion.
We can define this video as more of a short-film than a typically commercial piece.
The mood could be defined nonsensical and dream-like, the whole the journey is framed with a very simple, easy to understand narrative. Although this bizarre adventure is based on a trivial and common storyline (a superhero saves his beauty from villains) it has been a challenging work both from a technical and creative point of view.
A “chalk-drawing” was made on the floor, helping with grid marker, and Chris (who embodied the superhero) moved “lying on the floor”.
They took one frame at a time with the grid for reference, drawing or rubbing out the bits that have moved since the last frame. While filming, they helped with hand-held wireless monitor, which showed a live feed from the camera, blended with the previous take and our pre-vis.
Some trick were used, for example, when Chris is falling with the umbrella, if you look closely he is lying on a tiny square skateboard. For each frame they had to drag him an inch this way or that to make him swing.

Artist: Coldplay.
Director: Shynola.
Typology: Stop motion.
Techniques: Illustration, Photography.
Programs: Video editing like AE or Premier.
What’s new: Something more of a short-film than a typically commercial piece.


This article was written by Ellen

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