Kvelertak – Blødtorst

Forget birds, flowers and all this happy springtime, we’re going to deep Scandinavia, or for the less informed: vinkings, heavy benders, and heavy metal. For some it’s like heaven, for others, well screw them. Kvelertak, or better, the director show us with no midterms what it is like an average day in Norway: vikings fighting and killing themselves, mythological monster and huge blodshed. I mean, really huge. The skills of Torjus Førre Erfjord were the raw drawing that get along perfectly with the raw music, the scenario and the dinamic of the video: you can’t actually tell what is going on; like a nightmare when in the moment you wake up you’re upset without knowing why.
Graphically what amazes me is the crayons on black background that made the videoclip, and the imperfection that are expressly left on. So I’ll wait for winter and get drunk to the sound of blodtorst.cheers.

Artist: Kvelertak
Director: Torjus Førre Erfjord
Typology: 2d Animation
Techniques: Drawings
Programs: Video editing
What’s new: Raw drawings and vikings.


This article was written by napoleone

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