When we were kids the thing we all loved the most were our toys. Don’t try to fool me saying it was your mother or your 5-years-old-girlfriend, because we both know it isn’t true. We all remember with joy the smell of plastic and its consistency between our teeth. What a great time was that! We just ate, played and slept day after day.


Is it possible to bring this childish and joyful feel into a music video? If you have seen this clip you’ll certainly know it is, and it’s beautiful. As if it wasn’t enough Jack Chute pushes things forward, showing different faces of this toy-world which correspond to different moments of the songs: when there is a dreamy feel we see kaleidoscopes made with dolls and smokey teddy bears, but when the heavy bassline comes in, the director shows us some badass toys in black triangles and dark motion graphics.


Technically speaking the thing I like most about this video is the timing. Everything moves in a very natural way and is perfectly synchronized with sounds. From that point of view the sequences with concentric triangles are simply perfect.


Don’t forget to watch also Delta Heavy – Get By’s music video for more toy madness. Enjoy.

Rockwell ft Kito & Sam Frank – Childhood Memories

Artist: Rockwell
Jack Chute
Post production editing
What's Cool:
Caleidoscopic toys and trippy animated geometries
Posted by
September 21st, 2012

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