The We found love videoclip by Rihanna feat the DJ Calvin Harris, is considered by the singer “one of the deepest she’s ever done…it talks about love, love as a drug, it’s obvious at a first look”.

The theme is the “dark” side of some relationships, the doping love. We cannot now not mention the famous Requiem for a dream by Darren Aronofsky, which in a much more complicated plot talks about the same topic.
The work of Melina Matsoukas, who directed other videos for Rihanna (such as Rude Boy e S&M), is not limited to a citation. What characterize this video more then others is the editing, pushed the rhythm and speed higher then average, a hyperkinetic editing.
In a couple of bits where the rhythm of the song starts going to its pitch the sound become more “disco” and the editing cannot do else but follow this wave: the footage is faster, the cut’s frequency is faster and the visuals change more.
The defining scenes are the rough sex in an untidy room which suggest the drug habits (cigarettes and stains) and the recurrent scene of the singer, back to the wall, on who’s projected moving images. The third kind of category is made of all those frames that can’t be considered in the previous two categories of scenes: crows on jammed street of the east, flying pills, lighters, cigarettes with rainbow ashes, dilated pupils.
The visuals are violent, the mood is dark, the colors have that typical neon-light. It’s a bad world which shocks the viewer who’s used to a videoclip in which the only thing to notice is the singer’s curves.
Amanda Dobbins, in the New York magazine said that a naked Rihanna was the least harsh of those provocations: “smoke, drink, dance on fast-food tables, dance at a rave party, hot kissing, shoplifting, wheelies and making drugs look like candies”
Some critics had commented in a very positive way the “cinematography” of this work though, because it references movies like the already told Requiem for a dream, and Trainspotting, Totally Fucked Up, Doom Generation and Ecstasy Generation.
The particular editing has been used to vehicle feelings closer to the message to vehicle, taking the viewer closer to the world of the character. Maybe too close, if we consider that the larger part of her fans are teenager, for whom it would be better to give less rebellious and controversial role models.

Rihanna – We found love feat. Calvin Harris

Artist: Rihanna
Melina Matsoukas
october 2011
hyperkinetic editing, projections
What's Cool:
Requiem for a Dream in 4mins and 36secs
Posted by
December 27th, 2012

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