This is the Diamond video, from the artist Lorn who came out in June with his new album Ask The Dust. From the same work we previously written about Ghosst(s), just because that videoclip is pretty hypnotic. Here we can see some similar artificial video noise, but the main content is just completely different, and not less amazing.
Who does not remember the beautiful look of Super Mario Land? When I was 9 I used to play with it on my GameBoy Pocket all day long and probably I’ll be playing when this article will be finished.
So we congratulate with Max Friedrich for this video, which represents a fantastic example of pixel art, and the main character, who does remember Luigi, seems to be running from a black cloud that destroys everything finds on its way, just like The Nothing does in The Never Ending Story, while a black squared cat is watching at him, maybe comprehending this strange situation.
All this things are for the look af the video, but we should realize that the video presents a particular synchronization with the music. So a bass drum hit makes appear the cat’s shadow, and three snare hits match with three stair-step.
It would be interesting to understand the overall sense of the work, yes indeed it should have one just because some symbolic elements could be seen, but even if this concept remains hidden we can appreciate the hypnotic effect of squares and beat.

Lorn – Diamond

Artist: Lorn
Max Friedrich
Pixel art, 2D Computer animation
What's Cool:
Lots of squared moving and beating in time with the song!
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Posted by
August 8th, 2012

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