I am still astonished after watching this video a few days ago. This video brings you to a whole new world of pure imagination and bright colors. It made me feel like a child in a magic world, and then roughly thrown back to reality.
I am obviously talking about the video made by the Israeli artist Ori Toor for the new single Evoking Spirits of the experimental hip-hop group Kingdom Crumbs coming from Seattle.

(You can listen and purchase the whole album here)


What about Ori Toor..

“Ori Toor does illustration, animation and general doodling’s in order to keep sane. He likes using colored pencils, pens, and broken lava lamps in his drawings.”

That’s what we find on the “about” page on his website.
I like the fresh style of the bright colored shapes he used in this video very much, and the entire work of animation he has done, that makes them dance to the music in a so mind-blowing way.
A beautifully animated adventure pondering the idea of collective consciousness and the true nature of our reality. This fantastic world we’ve seen has been hand drawn by OriToor with a wacom tablet in Flash, making frame by frame loops then assembled with After Effects.


Definitely a must see video, for everyone who works with animation and videomaking.

Take a look also at his tumblr!

Kingdom Crumbs – Evoking Spirits

Artist: Kingdom Crumbs
Ori Toor
September 2012
Frame by frame Flash animation, After Effects
What's Cool:
Cool usage of shapes animated in groups
Posted by
November 29th, 2012

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