The idea here is very simple: a bunch of cows dancing and doing weird things – like liquefy themselves or morphing into some kind of cow-spider chimera – in front of a camera that scrolls during a single long shot.


This video is absolutely sick and the mind who imagined it is even sicker. His name is Cyriac – he says it is his real name but he also claims it was accidentally invented 2000 years ago by ants, who constructed the first Cyriak from masticated sediments, so it’s your choice to believe him or not - and he is an illustrator, graphic designer and animator from Brighton, UK. If you go to his website you’ll find a lot of amazingly weird images, gifs and videos. Honestly I can’t make the embedded VLC player work, so if you’re in my situation too go to his youtube channel, it is pretty much the same.


This video is a great example of how a video editing program like After Effects can be used in a creative way, picking up some pictures and turning them into something new and different, in this case dancing cows. The time we are living in is an amazing time for creative people, with a little amout of money but a lot of imagination and hard work you can build the craziest things by yourself and then broadcast them to the World.

Cyriak – Cows & Cows & Cows

Artist: Cyriak
Post-production image editing
What's Cool:
Surrealism on youtube
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Posted by
August 20th, 2012

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