It’s an awesome coincidence that I just saw “Hugo”, the movie by Martin Scorsese, and now I am reviewing this video of Andrew Bird’s “Eyeoneye”.
We find ourselves in the same world where magic and mechanism of life are interpreted in such a straordinary way, that only children can do; to embody the childish nature, the directive team NAKED LA, decided to use a handmade solution: it seems a mixture of 2D animation and collage, when the director was asked about the handmade nature of the video he answered: “Handmade never has perfect lines; unevenness and roughness are everywhere. Ewan loves imperfections because we ourselves are made from those, and the world we live in is filled with them”.
To understand deeply what there is behind the concept, we have to make one step back. The director, Yu “Ewan” Morita, after listening to the lyrics of the song, immediately recalled the magic that occurs inside the human body. Going deeper, the director took inspiration from lyrics like “wear it inside out” and “wring it out” to express the , extremely poetic, image of the universe that is all inside our brains.
Are you ready to be astounded?

Andrew Bird – Eyeoneye

Artist: Andrew Bird
Yu "Ewan" Morita of NAKED LA
2D Animation , Collage
What's Cool:
Anatomy + Astronomy = Astonishment
Posted by
June 13th, 2012

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